Sunday, 25 October 2015

Halloween makeup- pop art

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed yesterdays skull post, this is another idea for Halloween but less scary and very easy!
So step 1, put on your normal makeup- foundation, bronzer, blusher, mascara then use a brightly coloured eyeshadow- I used green and yellow as it stands out, then put your eyeliner on.
The next step is to colour in your eyebrows- the darker the better and make them bigger than you normally do, then choose a bright lipstick, the one I'm using is 'girl about town' by mac and this will be the base colour for your next step.
Step 3- use eyeliner and make little lines on your face, like I have. This will create more shape and structure to your face. Then using eyeliner again, draw around your lips, flicking it out at both ends, using black eye shadow, shade in the corners of your lips making them look bigger and bolder, then using white face paint add little bits to the centre of each lip to make it look like light is hitting them, making them look even bigger and in your face! (close up below)
Step 4- using the white face paint, add white dots all over your face finishing this pop art look off, I used the end of a brush to create these as it was the perfect size for the dots.
The final step is to draw a tear shape under which ever eye you want, use eyeliner to do this, and colour in the shape you have made in blue eye shadow.
DAH DARRH! Finished!

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, see you again tomorrow with my third halloween makeup idea and check out my instagram for more photos and videos on these!



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