Friday, 2 October 2015

Favourite garment of September


Hey guys! I can't believe its October already!
As You have probably guessed, today's post is about my love for (faux) suede skirts! I raved a lot about them in September so I decided to make it my favourite garment of the month and I'm pretty sure it will be one of my favourites throughout the autumn/ winter!
I have already posted about the first skirt in these images, which I bought from Primark, I have worn this skirt so much since I bought it as it is so comfy and soft so I went into the Oxford Street store yesterday and picked up two more one that is a reddy brown and the other is more of a chocolate brown, these ones have zips down the front which is a lot easier to do up compared to the button up skirt!! I always find that Primark clothing is always oddly sized so I usually go for a size bigger, especially when I buy faux suede/ leather- just a tip!
The black skirt in these photos is from New Look. It has a zip halfway down the back so it is easy to do up it is also very soft! I like this one as it is so simple and looks cute with so many different tops and is easily dressed up/ down. The New Look sizing is totally different compared to Primark's because for this skirt I had to buy a size smaller than I would usually buy as my normal size was too big!
Below are the links to the skirts above, I will also add some links to come other faux suede skirts that I have found (and want) from more shops!
See you next time!!
 My skirts-
 Primark Chocolate Brown Skirt- Click here
Primark Reddy Brown Skirt- Click here
Primark Button up Skirt- Click here
New Look Skirt- Click here
 More skirts-

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