Saturday, 31 October 2015

Halloween makeup- clown

Hey guys!! So here is the final of my week load of halloween make up ideas, saving the best till last, this is actually a lot easier than you would think, but it does take time and patience!!

You will need- White face paint, bright eye shadow- yellow, pink and purple, pencil and liquid eye liner- or back face paint.

Step 1- make sure your skin is moisturised, because the face paint will dry your skin out! Then, using your white face paint, put it all over your face (you could also take it down your neck too if you want to go all out clown style). Next, get your yellow eye shadow and cover your eye lids in this lovely bright colour..!

Step 2- Using your pink eye shadow, brush this under your eyes in a half moon- like shape, going slightly onto your cheeks. 

Step 3- Get your purple eye shadow and add this on top of the pink to add more colour and depth, creating an ombre look. 

Step 4- Get your black pencil eye liner and draw a rounded triangle on to the end of your nose and fill it in with the liquid eye liner (or black face paint if you have it).

Step 5- using the eye liner/ black face paint again, paint your lips with it, i went slightly over my lip shape to make this mouth part look bigger, then from the corners of your mouth to a 'big flick' as you would an eye liner wing going up on to your cheeks- as much as you want. Then using the white face paint again, put little blogs of it on to the lips and nose to highlight them.

Step 6- this is the tricky part- which is really hard to explain so its easier copying it from the photo if I'm honest, but to create the top part of the eye make up, you need to draw a line just above the crease in your eyelid and kind of draw a triangular shape up through your eye brow to your forehead and colour this in black. Then add your normal winged eyeliner, slightly heavier than you usually would and make sure the wing is big. For the bottom part you also need to draw a triangular shape under your eye bringing the middle bit down to your cheek, at the end of each 'flick' add a little dot. 

Finished! The eye section is really hard to explain how to do, so i hope you understood it ok!

This is my favourite look that i have created out of the 7 that i have posted about. i hope you have been able to follow them all ok and have enjoyed these different to usual posts, i know i have!

Have a fun halloween and i will see you next week with a post most likely about an outfit that i have worn!If you have any requests on what you would like to see me blog about please do let me know!

See you next week!



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