Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Turkish Delight 2.0

Outfit 1
Outfit 2


Outfit 3
Outfit 4

Outfit 5

Hey everyone it's Bella here! I hope you all had a great summer and have got a good tan on! My summer was fab, I went to turkey for two weeks so as Emillie has done, I thought I would show you my top 5 outfits that I wore when I went out in the evenings, I hope you like them.

Outfit 1- this outfit was one of my faves! The skirt is from a very cheap shop in Italy, which  Emillie bought last year on holiday, but unfortunately we can't remember the name of the shop. My top is from pretty little thing, it was in the sale, it has slits in the sides and is very comfy. My black sleeveless cardigan is crochet and it from Primark, I find it can go with anything (well most things). Finally, my shoes are actually my mums and they are from Clarks. They are extremely comfy and so pretty.

Outfit 2- My second outfit was one I wanted to save until near the end of my holiday, as its a white dress and I wanted it to complement my tan. The dress is from Miss Selfridge and I love it, its one of those dresses that I will always love even if I don't wear it often. The shoes are from River Island and I bought them literally a week before we went away on holiday, I found them in the sale and it was one of those must have buys, they aren't to height either but are so comfy and pretty. I love the silver, holographic effect. The lemon clutch is one of my favourite ever accessorise! I actually love it so much. Its from New Look and again another bargain in the sale. It also came in orange. I use it all the time and was worth the buy.

Outfit 3- My top is the same pretty little thing top worn in outfit 1. My skirt is actually part of a skirt and jacket co-ord from missguided. I purchased it fro my birthday in march and I absolutely love it. I think its so pretty and I think it can easily be dressed up or dressed down. Its simple but elegant I think. The shoes worn are from tkmaxx. They are black and white, platform sandals and cross over on the feet. They are extremely comfy and I can wear them either with a skirt or dress or with jeans when its colder.

Outfit 4- this outfit is also one of my favourites and a classic holiday outfit for me. Emillie won it on an instagram competition last year and I love it because it never goes out of style and I love the reds in it, its so bright and it really stands out. My shoes are also from tkmaxx and I call them my gladiator sandals even though they aren't very gladiator, they can be worn with or without socks but I wear them with and I know many won't like that I wear socks with them especially flamingo ones as the outfit and socks are completely different patterns but hey! The socks are from new look and the shoes are unbelievably comfy I could walk in them forever.

Outfit 5- my last outfit which isn't really an outfit I must say, sooo, my bikini is from river island and I love it! I also got another bikini from river island and I wore both all holiday. They were both so comfy and good quality. They were also really well made too. As I have big boobs I find so many things so unflattering and it annoys me so much as so many shops don't make clothes to flatter you or if they do they are extremely expensive or revolting and I am not about that. So when I tried this bikini on and my other one I was hugely surprised to find that they both fitted but also to find that they were so comfy and I never felt as though I was falling out of either bikini. So honestly, I really recommend river island bikinis.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed what I wrote and I hope it helped you in some way. I also hope you like my outfits and if you have any questions or opinions leave them in the comments below. I wish you all a good week, see you next time!!



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