Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Yoga Bomb

Hey Guys,

 I seem to have been apologising on most of my posts about not posting, i am really sorry!!

Anyway.. I am back and will promise to post more often (fingers crossed). 

I have decided that as well as my outfit posts, I will also be doing more Lush (cosmetics) posts as I am always using a bath bomb or bubble bar from there so i will be posting photos of them, and explaining them to show you what they are like if your not a Lush addict like myself. I will add the links to the pages where you can buy these beauties at the end of each post to make your life easier!

So this is one of my all time favourite bath bombs from Lush Cosmetics- Yoga Bomb. When you see it in the shop it looks like your standard simple orange bath bomb- until it hits water and changes into a multitude of amazing colours. 

I was once told by a member of staff in one of the Lush stores that this is a 14 minute bath bomb, meaning that for the first 7 minutes of it it fizzes in its original orange colour releasing relaxing calming scents, and for the next 7 minutes it begins to release all the magical colours and glitter hidden inside. 

As you will be able to tell from the images below- this is not just your average bath bomb.

The smell of this bath bomb is soooo good, its a combination of woody, fruity and floral scents- it's hard to explain but it leaves you smelling divine. 

For only £3.95 i highly recommend getting this! 

'Take a journey of the self as reassuringly soothing sandalwood oil creates a sanctuary of calm in your bath. When you plunge this meditative fizzer into the water, slow mesmerising shades of oranges, purples and turquoise will unfurl. At the same time deeply relaxing olibanum and ho wood release, fragrancing your body and surroundings. It’s the ideal atmosphere to lie back and contemplate life.' (Lush Cosmetics)

Here is the link to this amazing Yoga Bomb bath bomb.

See you next time!

Take care, 


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