Friday, 25 March 2016

Charcoal Daiso Face Mask

Hey guys, how is everyone?! 


So after a lot of reading about 'charcoal face masks' i decided it was time i bought one. I watched lots of YouTube videos on what other people have used and what has worked and this one 'Daiso Charcoal Blackhead Remover Face Mask' seemed to be very popular. There are loads of negative reviews on this, but there are also tonnes of good ones so i decided to just go for it and try it out. It is supposed to- 'remove stubborn impurities & dead skin cells leaving the complexion deeply cleansed, provide the vitality the skin needs and smooth the skins texture'. 

As you can see, its not a brand that i have ever seen in England- saying that i have never seen this in England so what did i do? I headed to and bought it from there, ill add the link to it below. 

When it arrived i expected there to be a section on the back of 'how to apply' in English- but there wasn't.. it was all in Japanese.. i can't read Japanese, so i went back online and googled the best way to apply this. There are lots of different ways to apply face masks, depending on how your skin is so i applied this how i would usually apply a face mask. BUT, before i applied this to my face i applied it to the back of my hand just to make sure i didn't react to it. 

Another thing i read about this mask is that when it dries it can be quite painful to pull off and a lot of people suggested only using it on the T-zone of your face, your nose and chin as these areas are the most prone to blackheads. 


Before i applied this i washed all the make up off my face with warm water and did my normal cleansing routine including exfoliating to get rid of any dead cells that i didn't want coming off on the mask so it would do more than just pull the dead cells away!
 I then washed my face again with warm water to open up my pores. 

The consistency of this mask is very thick and gooey but it's also runny when it comes out of the bottle, so i suggest you're quick when putting it on if you don't want a mess. 
When I put it on my face it was easy to apply, rather than using my fingers to apply this as i do with other masks i used an old clean concealer brush so i didn't get the black goo all over my hands! I then applied it in one layer- but this was a thick layer rather than putting a few thin layers on as i read this works so much better. 
I applied it in a thick triangle shape covering my nose and a small oval section on my chin. As this was the first time I've used this i only applied it to these two areas to see how it works. 

Peeling off- 

It took about 30 mins to fully dry and get to the stage where i could pull it off in one go. When i began to pull this off, i started at the bottom of my nose and pulled it upwards. This was quite eye-wateringly painful at first as it got attached to the small hairs that i didn't know existed around my nostrils.. so this hurt a little bit but after i got over that it was easy to take off. I then did the same for the section on my chin. 

As this mask is black, it is so easy to see what has been removed from your skin once it has been taken off. Let's just say, it is safe to say this mask really works!! 

After using the mask, i moisturised my face as i usually do using Boots coconut oil. I have really noticed the difference in the skin on my nose and chin even a day after using this mask so i highly recommend purchasing this mask as it is very good and it is cheap so is perfect for all budgets! 

Did you like this review? If you did and would like more like this please let me know!!!

See you soon,



Daiso Charcoal Face Mask- Click Here
Boots Coconut Oil- Click Here

Inspiration for buying this face mask-

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Hey Guys, 

This is the amazing Intergalactic bath bomb from Lush Cosmetics.

Let me just say this now- i will probably say that all of the bath bombs that i post about are my favourite- which is true as i love them all! 

Back to the point, even before this put into water it is really colourful, so when it hits the water its an amazing swirling rainbow of colours, glitter and bubbles.

This smells so so good. It is a lovely combination of restorative and relaxing vetivert oil and uplifting and refreshing grapefruit oil. 

'Ever wondered what bathing in deep space would be like? Invite the cosmos into your bathroom with this sexy, interstellar bomb and become the guardian of your own galaxy. An awesome mix of refreshing peppermint and neon colour sends your mood rocketing, while popping candy takes you on a trip around the Milky Way. Constellations swirl and pop, creating vibrant lustre vortexes in the night sky. Before you leap too far, rogue layers of vetivert and cedarwood take hold, evoking the warmth of human contact far from home and a hint of 80s aftershave. Return from your intergalactic brief encounter as the grounding scent brings you gently back from orbit.' (Lush Cosmetics) 

At a whole £3.95, this is a definite need!

See you next time, 


Yoga Bomb

Hey Guys,

 I seem to have been apologising on most of my posts about not posting, i am really sorry!!

Anyway.. I am back and will promise to post more often (fingers crossed). 

I have decided that as well as my outfit posts, I will also be doing more Lush (cosmetics) posts as I am always using a bath bomb or bubble bar from there so i will be posting photos of them, and explaining them to show you what they are like if your not a Lush addict like myself. I will add the links to the pages where you can buy these beauties at the end of each post to make your life easier!

So this is one of my all time favourite bath bombs from Lush Cosmetics- Yoga Bomb. When you see it in the shop it looks like your standard simple orange bath bomb- until it hits water and changes into a multitude of amazing colours. 

I was once told by a member of staff in one of the Lush stores that this is a 14 minute bath bomb, meaning that for the first 7 minutes of it it fizzes in its original orange colour releasing relaxing calming scents, and for the next 7 minutes it begins to release all the magical colours and glitter hidden inside. 

As you will be able to tell from the images below- this is not just your average bath bomb.

The smell of this bath bomb is soooo good, its a combination of woody, fruity and floral scents- it's hard to explain but it leaves you smelling divine. 

For only £3.95 i highly recommend getting this! 

'Take a journey of the self as reassuringly soothing sandalwood oil creates a sanctuary of calm in your bath. When you plunge this meditative fizzer into the water, slow mesmerising shades of oranges, purples and turquoise will unfurl. At the same time deeply relaxing olibanum and ho wood release, fragrancing your body and surroundings. It’s the ideal atmosphere to lie back and contemplate life.' (Lush Cosmetics)

Here is the link to this amazing Yoga Bomb bath bomb.

See you next time!

Take care, 
