Thursday, 30 July 2015

Run b*tch

*Active Slogan Gym Hoodie Drop Armhole Black*
*Active Cross Back Printed Sports Bra Navy Croc*
Front & Back
*Active Racer Back Printed Sports Bra Pink*
Front & Back

So I'm going on holiday in a few weeks so I've now decided that I should probably do some sort of exercise in these few weeks leading up to it.. you should know now that this is a very rare thing as me and sport DO NOT get along, but its worth a go, right?! Anyway, as I'm starting this new fitness regime I thought what would be better than online shopping for some cute new sports wear. These three garments are all from Missguided (missguided is my all time favourite online store as you will get too know). I hadn't actually looked properly at the 'Active' range before until the other day when I loved pretty much everything on there but unfortunately being a poor student I can't actually by every single things I lay my eyes on, but these three tops were just calling my name. Not only was it the style and colours of these but the price.. for these two sports bras and the hoodie it was a mighty sum of £16, with free delivery which makes this whole situation so much better!
Firstly, not only do I like the styles of each of these sports bras, especially the cross over navy one, I love the prints, and I can't wait until I can wear them when I go for a run! Secondly they are sooo comfy and fit perfectly which is perfect for sports wear!
The hoodie is my favourite out of the three. I love the slogan and I'm hoping it will keep me going when I run in it! It is really comfy to wear and perfect for going for a run in as it has no sleeves but it keeps your core warm, and it has a hood so if it decided its going to rain, you have that all important coverage (even if its not exactly water proof). It also has low cut armholes which is perfect as the bras are bright enough be seen underneath!  
So overall you can say I am pretty happy with these purchases and will definitely be buying more of the Missguided Active range!!
Cross Back Sports Bra-
Racer Back Sports Bra-
Slogan Hoodie-


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